Saturday, July 20, 2024

A TV Show From This Week

 I sat this week and watched a HR-documentary piece (my regional public TV network in Germany). Title: "Having children in times of crisis: irresponsible or now more than ever?"

You can watch it here. Thirty-minute piece.

Discussion?  Here were all these (mostly) women (few guys) who were thrilled to be in a non-child producing mentality here in Germany.

German birth rate?  Collapsing for the most part (2023, 1.36 kids per couple presently).

So the whole driving factor?  Global various stages/levels.  These participants are thrilled to be part of the group....saving the not producing kids.

I sat and watched the whole thing....trying to be neutral and at least understanding their logic.  Over and over....they felt an accomplishment.  

The moderator...seeming to let them all tell their story, and never asking any questions over the future.

So, here's the end result for me.  You end up in 2035....Germans (particularly women) shocked that the social pension system is in turmoil and unable to pay for retirement.....unless you recruit or bring in half-a-million migrants a fill the empty jobs and somehow keep the system of retirement 'surviving'.

Yeah, it's like they went to some 'cult-club' and asked for the five-star indoctrination gimmick.  You felt hyped-up leaving the indoctrination....and tried to associate or 'socialize' with only like-minded people.

A bit of doom and gloom involved?  Absolutely.  

I have no doubt....if you were to say single-ply toilet paper is a must....that showers per week must be kept to a minimum of only three times....that you were only limited to six hours a day of electricity....that you had to downsize your wardrobe to just three pairs of shoes....these people would be thrilled to participate in this 'bold-new-world'.

Old Germany versus new Germany?  Yeah, I'm starting to think along these lines and wonder how folks survived to this point.  Think God, we've got Turks, Australians and Syrians to repopulate Germany.  

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