Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wolf Salute?

 If you brought this comment 'wolf-salute' up with a hundred Germans....there might be a quarter of them who know or understand the meaning and how to perform the wolf-salute.  

This started out in Turkey....among right-wing extreme Turks....commonly referred to as 'Grey Wolves'.

If you gave it?  You'd raise your hand....using your thumb to hold fingers 2/3....while extending fingers 1/4. 

Yeah, it's like a Hitler salute....if you ask me.

Banned?  Austria has already banned it in the public arena, and there's a fair amount of talk that Germany may soon ban it.

Why this came up?  Well...out of the soccer games....some Turkish players did it, and got some negative attention.

This right-wing extreme thing (in Turkey)....hooked to pro-Islam?  Yes.

This same hand-sign used by German teaches from the 1970s onto the past decade?  Well....that is the funny side of the story.  German teachers used to use the signal to tell kids in the class to BE QUIET.  About a decade the Turks adapted it....the teachers halted the use.

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