Wednesday, July 24, 2024

24 July 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  What exactly is this EU Asset Register Study being discussed?

Well...there's presently a feasibility study being done, and will be published next month.  

Making it legal?  Some say the EU might have it in place by early 2025.

What would be listed?  You would be forced to admit ALL property you own (real estate), bank accounts, investment securities, gold, E-currency, items of value (antique items), art, etc.

Germans accepting this?  NO....I suspect this will be found to be a problem in various countries.  They will start up about data protection, and then ask just what value this has in the end.   

I could even see the debate.....cattle, horses, book collections, campers, lawn mowers, tractors, chickens, rabbits, Olympic medals, and high-value wine being listed.  Even putting values on things?  Just go imagine some 60-year-old guy saying he has a stamp-collection worth 10-million Euro....when it's actually 8-Euro.

My German wife's view?  According to her.....this would be a five-star target for criminals to break into, and loot/steal.  

2.  As the sun rose this Wednesday, the Federal Ministry of the Interior started up a a ban on the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH). Full-up raid on the Blue Mosque.

Just from the video....I'd say around a hundred police were involved.  Who runs the place?  IZH.  By the wording of the German officer....the group is now declared as a extremist organization and in some way....controlled by Iran . 

This ban paperwork?  The ban is a minimum of 200 pages long...and lists a number of issues.

Just guessing.....some other group of Islamists will try to acquire the building, and restart the function.  

3.  German regional court....Higher Administrative Court (in Münster) has taken on an interesting topic....whether it's safe in Syria to send deportee Syrians back 'home'. 

The court said they review things and say the 'war' is now done. They say there's no real threat now.  

Political mess?  Well....the CDU and FDP....have stood up and said if your name is on the 'bad-boy' list (requiring deportation)....they intend to help you get 'home'.  The SPD and Greens.....opposed.

The general problem here?  No one says how many Syrians are on such a deportee list.  If you go can get the information, but national folks don't appear to willing to state the numbers.

My humble's takes a bit of effort to get on a deportee list.  You assaulted sold robbed folks.  This list existing....mostly men?  Oh I would imagine there's probably in the range of 3,000 to 5,000 Syrians....with 99-percent being men.  And if you asked all of them....they'd rather not go back to Syria....even if the war was over.

4.  Some chatter this AM....the Russian gov't is angry that soldiers deployed to the front-lines have cellphones and actively use them.  So they are talking about prison for such use.  Part  of this anger....relates to the Ukrainians having intercepted all these calls and made a significant number public.   

5. Audi is discussing the idea of reproducing the 1930s Type 52 car. 

First, they haven't hinted at pricing and I would imagine it will be a minimum of 100k Euro.

Speed?  Horsepower?  520.  Turbo-charged.  

What I think will come out of this effort?  There are a lot of cars built from the 1920s/1930s....with a 'look'.  I think the public would go crazy if you could reproduce the range of 40,000 to 70,000 Euro.

6.  Debate has started up in the state of Bavaria over mandated closing times for shops (8 PM).  Of the sixteen states.....this is the one which still maintains the 1950s regulations.   

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