Tuesday, July 16, 2024

16 July 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  The Pfalz state 'truth-commission' wrapped up their long survey of the 2021 Ahr Valley flood....which killed 135 locals.

About the only key thing out of this....which the group agreed upon....was that flood protection was lacking.   

If you asked me on broad skepticism?  I'd say the Ahr Valley people are mostly disgruntled of the end-result.

2.   I watched a N-TV piece yesterday.  It appears that the EU now plans to electrify some type of long-distance truck transport.

Where this leads onto?  A minimum of 2,000 charging stations would have to be built around all of Europe to handle this requirement.

My skepticism  'meter'?  On a scale of 1 to 10....it's maxing at '10'.

Where would all this extra power come from?  Unknown. Would it make for a simple easy target for Russia to take down an entire country by hitting the charging stations and bring commerce to a standstill?  Absolutely.

Has to be tens of billions of Euro figured to pay for the start-up of this idea.

3.   Odd event left from the weekend here in my local town of Wiesbaden.  What the cops say.....Saturday afternoon....family of 3 was walking through a city park...northwestern section of town.  

Two guys came up and threatened them. Insults went back and forth.....father in the group of three pulls out a telescope-type baton to show he's not backing down.  Other two pick up something....threats go back and forth (in the corner of this city park)....then the two that started trouble....ran off.

Family goes to report the matter.   Cops do minor search....never find the two trouble-makers.  Then the cops start a second report....the telescope-type baton being illegal....so the father is being investigated for that matter.

My advice....if you did have a protection-baton and use it.....for defense, leave the area after you whack the folks.  Don't stay around....you just end up in more legal trouble.  Yeah, the baton is illegal, in case you didn't know that.

4.  German cops admit on illegal border crossing folks....during the Euro Cup period....they stopped around 8,300 folks and prevented entry.

5.  German statistics office says on average....1,500 Germans end up in an emergency situation over heat-stress/exhaustion/stroke each year.

Death from this group?  It averages around 20.

2003 data?  If you were around that summer....it was one of the worst summers in German history.  Around 2,600 Germans were taken to the hospital, and around 41 died from the heat that summer.

I'll just say (I was here at the time)....2003 was a fairly miserable summer (3 weeks of continuous 32 to 38 C temperatures with no rain).  Almost no wind, and a constant problem trying to cool off at night.


Daz said...

On point 2 you've got to remember that Russia will be too vulnerable to retaliations on energy targets. It used to be that they could repair things within weeks if major components were damaged, but with sanctions, and also the brain drain from the war(not to mention most of their expertise were migrants anyway who now aren't there), they could be crippled within a matter of days.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

In Russia's case (I'll probably write an essay in August over this complete topic)....if you take the brain-drain, huge attachment to western technology (especially in natural gas/oil movement), sanctions, and crippling Euro-dollar/Ruble rate....it's a five-star mess and I don't expect them to ever recover as one unified nation (once the war ends).

However, any nation that is that attached to technology is geared to face consequences by targeting commerce. Same story with banks, railway, grocery chains, drug stores, medical establishments, etc. Look at the Bahn folks, and how easy they crap out and fail...without any Russian targeting. Just imagine Russian hackers getting into the Bahn servers, or having forty railway bridges destroyed over a weekend around urban areas.