Wednesday, July 31, 2024

31 July 2024: Seven German News Stories

1.  ARD (public TV, Channel One) went and did a analytical review of Sahra Wagenknecht's BSW Party (the new folks).  What they say....various pieces of the platform for the party....oddly lines up with Russian propaganda.  They aren't saying that the group is Putin-friendly....just that the platform seems close to propaganda stuff.

To be honest, with the 10-percent of polling showing for BSW....most seem connected to either former Linke Party voters or far-left SPD voters.

2.  New property tax 'rules' are falling into place....lot of people will be getting higher taxes.  Example, a retired couple in Stuttgart with a detached house...used to pay 195 Euro a year.  They got their cost in the past week....amounting to 2,875 Euro. 

To explain the property tax 'trend'?  The court system said around 3 years ago that the national property tax law was 'unfair'.  So they put pressure on the Bundestag to re-invent the property law.  Lot of people warned....whatever came out of this...would  likely be a mess.  Most people assume that their taxes would rise 25-percent.  Meaning?  Most paid in the region of 200 to 300 Euro per they were expecting a bill of 250 to 375 Euro.  If they start getting 1,000 to 3000 Euro'll be a problem.

I'll predict, unless the Bundestag really gets dragged into the mess.....probably 10-percent of German property owners who are retired will be looking at the idea of selling their house, and moving out of the county.

I'm still waiting on my wife to get her estimate....I'm already guessing she will go ballistic with the property tax probably quadrupling (minimum).

3.  Interesting piece out of Focus yesterday morning....topic of "Berliner on outdoor pool violence: When my family swims here, I’m scared.”

Parent worried about pool violence and brawls....which weren't common until you get to the past decade.  Of added note, they are's both a German and non-German problem now in terms of fights.

4.  Massive storms expected by tonight across bulk of Germany.  

5.  Someone polled general public in Germany about this idea of new US cruise missiles to be stationed in Germany.  Just over 50-percent said it was a bad idea.  Going to be a Bundestag discussion over this.   I don't expect the Greens or far left elements of the SPD  to agree to the idea.

6.  Some German doctor  has triggered a reaction in a village.....saying he'll only treat 'customers' who speak German or bring a translator with them.  

7.  Around the Garda Sea in Italy....a local 'problem-bear' was finally hunted down and killed.

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