Friday, July 26, 2024

Explaining The "Last Generation' Activists In Germany

In the last day or two....the group went back to the front-page of German newspapers....triggering a massive number of flight cancellations out of Koln and Frankfurt. introduction.

Last Generation (LG is what you often hear them referred to) is an association (actually trademarked) of climate activists in Germany and Austria....that started out originally in 2021 as a hunger-strike group.  They found after a few one really cared.

So they shifted....gluing themselves to city streets, autobahns, and airport ramps.

Chief aim?  Forcing German authorities to accept extreme measures with the Paris Agreement and the 1.5 degree target. 

Where the authorities are leading the group?  Mostly into a 'trap'....using the court system, and accusing them of criminal offenses. 

Having watched the public forum shows where they got a chance to talk.....they have certainly memorized a page or two of dire circumstances.  I'll say for myself....about ten minutes into hearing their 'chatter'....I have this image in my mind of a religious-cult organization.  

What I suspect will happen as we get closer to the 2025 federal election?  Several of the political parties will be forced to talk about the group, and it won't be a friendly conversation.  Judges and prosecutors will end up being forced to convict and send the 'kids' (mostly all in the 18-to-25 year old range) off to a year or two of prison.  The top-level bosses?  They might even see themselves in a three-to-five year situation.

Angering the group and transforming them into a 'Red-Army-Faction' like unit? seems to be the path developing.  

Outside influence?  I don't think there's a huge amount of money/funding involved here.  The flight problems created in Frankfurt yesterday?  It took around six  to seven individuals.  I'm sure they were promised free legal help.  

Respect with the general public?  NO.  Most working-class Germans affected by the autobahn and airport blockages....have a very negative opinion of the group.  In terms of selling a 'message' or 'brand'?  They are doing a lousy job.

Young people without a job? one ever tells the insider situation with the group members.  One gets the impression that they are mostly educated folks....well-to-do parents...have nothing to relate to welfare-status in the country....thieving on cult-like chatter.  Public TV selling the 'message'?  There's been two forums which tried to be pro-LG, and people stood up to ask why you did that.  

So that's the story of 'LG'.....they aren't going away quietly, and if you asked me in the next decade where the next terrorism 'cell' will develop.....these are the guys. 

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