Tuesday, July 23, 2024

23 July 2024: Three German News Stories

 1.  Interesting twist on this deployment of US cruise missiles into Germany.....decision was solely made by Scholz (Chancellor) and Baerbock (Foreign Minister).....rest of cabinet left out, and wasn't talked about within the Bundestag.

Apparently, fair number of Bundestag members are asking questions now.

2.  Weird episode in Berlin's Ostbahnhof (rail station) yesterday at 5:30 PM.....cops called.  Guy acting nuts.  Cops show up....argument increases.  Guy shows a knife....German cop ends up shooting the guy in the leg.  Still alive....questions being asked now.

3.  Regional story....Frankfurt area....Police seized around seven tons of heating pellets soaked in cocaine...originating out of Colombia. So far....2 guys from state of Hessen arrested. 

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