Saturday, July 20, 2024

20 July 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  Another odd knife assault attack in Germany....Wedel area (Schleswig-Holstein region in the north).

What the cops say?  Occurred in the parking lot of a adult education center.  Older guy (music instructor) wounded (critically)with a knife.

Two guys arrested....Syrian their early 20s.

Motivation?  Unknown.  

2.  European Taxpayers Association has stood up and said the number of EU representatives is way too many, costing billions.  So they want a numbers cut.  Odds of this?  I give it a one in a billion chance.

3.  Porsche says with their new Taycan model....recharging will be as quick as filling up with gas.

4.   Gesamtmetall chief (Wolf) came out yesterday and said retirement ages need to be 'reset'.

He says factory workers do a lot of physical labor, and need a early retirement.  However....he says people with desk jobs mostly they should only retire at age 70.  Current rules?  Age 67 is full-up retirement. 

I brought this up with my German wife....getting a 15-minute lecture that no one should fool with the current retirement age.

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