Tuesday, July 30, 2024

30 July 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1.  From Focus: there's this aid organization called “Die Arche”, which has the job of helping kids and young people in Germany....that you would refer to as socially disadvantaged. 

In a interview....the group says now that their help has reached a limit.

Reason?  Mostly because of the in-flow of refugees. What they suggest?  A freeze of some type on the admission of refugees." 

Odds of the political system realizing the problem or agreeing?  I'd give almost a zero-percent chance.

In the talk....what the chief points at....there's way too many 11-year-old kids walking around with knives now.  This is a situation that they never had to react to before.

2.  German gov't goal of heat-pumps to be sold yearly?  500,000.

For 2024?  So far, 90,000 and the trend line is lessening each month. What is selling oil-heating systems.....which most people were thinking they would be obsolete by now.

3.  Typically, on a German police 'blotter' (public report)....German cops usually don't announce if the crime was committed by a suspected non-German.  Hessen state police will say  'southern appearance'....to mean it probably wasn't a German.

So I read this AM....WDR (northwestern German public TV) says police in NRW....are about to make it the practice of saying if the suspect in a crime is non-German/foreigner.

Big deal?  If you had all sixteen states doing this, and it got into the national statistical database....it might shock voters if you said a overwhelming number of crimes connect back to non-Germans.  Not sure if the federal gov't would allow this trend to go in this direction.  

4.  Back in early 2023....the Bundestag 'dumped' the mandate-law.  So in effect, it said....a party trying to get into the Bundestag participates in the percentage allocation of chairs based on second votes... even if it has failed to clear the five percent hurdle.

Well....the five-percent rule allowed the CSU (the Bavarian conservative group) and the Linke Party to function....because they were always so close to failing the five-percent mandate.  

So as the dump of this mandate-law occurred....both the CSU and Linke sued in court....saying it was wrong.

the Left had filed a lawsuit against the abolition of the basic mandate clause. Without the clause, both parties would be concerned about their future re-entry into parliament.

The court stood up yesterday and said this 'dumping' attempt.....wasn't right with the written Constitution.  So in the fall-2025 fed election...the mandate-law will still be there...working.

6.  There's a 'deal' in Russia....if you are in a prison, and volunteer for the Army....they will release you.

So this group volunteered, were released from prison, and were sent off to a training camp for a short (probably 2-week) orientation.  At some point, the group up and left (escaped).  

7.  Out of a town in Austria....the local priest was suspected of drug activity.  Cops come in....raid his residence, and determine he was making crystal-meth. 

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