Sunday, July 14, 2024

Party Membership And What It Means

 In Germany, unlike the US....there is a status to being a 'paying-member' of a political party.

You will typically pay a fee (monthly) of about 2.50 to 3.00 Euro.  This allows you to walk into the local party meetings....typically held in some pub or restaurant.

The party 'clubs' will hold meetings probably eight to twelve times a year, and you can have a 'say' at the meeting.

Anything extra from the 'party-club'?  Well...some of them will have special jackets they will sell you....with the emblem of the party on it.  

The party expectation prior to a election?  You would be in the crew to hang posters and help organize party big-wigs to speak at a local event.

Could you 'cheat' and be members of the Greens, SPD, AfD, and CDU the same time? could do this and they probably wouldn't figure this out.

What is the extra benefit of being a member?  Well....when it comes time to chose the Chancellor as a member....have a vote.  The guy across the street from you....who'd like to have a 'say' in the matter...has no 'say' in the nomination process.  He only has a 'say' once the candidates are all put down on paper for each party.

So there is a status and a logic to being a member.

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