Thursday, July 18, 2024

18 July 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1.  German shop called 'Depot'....going bankrupt.  It was a seasonal  shop you'd go buy dust-collectors for the house...figures, glass stuff, etc.   

Probably once a year, I'd walk into one. My German wife put this on a forbidden list for me....I wasn't supposed to buy junk from them.

2.  Long piece by Focus yesterday....what they are saying 'NO' to more E-cars being delivered.  Working a deal is no longer possible. Worth a read.

My spring 2025...this will turn into an emergency situation, with total stop on sales.

3.  Out of of the major restaurants handling Euro Cup fan  admits  it was mostly a loss situation....maybe as much as 20,000 Euro lost in the effort.

4.  Heat wave arriving?  For Th/ my Wiesbaden region....we get back up to 32  C.  Then it's supposed drop back to 25 C for several days.

5.  Excellent FOCUS piece written by Saina Bayatpour....topic?  A significant number of Germans are expressing the idea of 'escaping'....wanting to leave Germany and go off to some island or remote  country.  

Reasons?  Too much fear...too much frustration over politics....too much fear of threats.....too much fear of social media.

I paused over reading wife  (German in nature) states this idea of 'escaping' at least once a month.  I always ask where should we move to, and there's never an answer.

6.  Miele CEO gave a talk.....says that Germany has become this country with high wages, high taxes, short working-hours, and a lot of bureaucracy.  

7.  Local guy in Frankfurt area was fishing on the Rhine.....caught a 2.5-meter long catfish.  Whopper.

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