Saturday, July 27, 2024

There Are Sh*t Shows And Then There Are SH*T Shows

 I sat this morning and watched about 20 minutes of the Olympic opening ceremony, and it just reached a point where I turned it off.  I won't be watching anything for the rest of two weeks.

It was like you'd handed out LSD and meth....getting the production crew as high as possible, and just said do some crazy sex stuff.  

Designed to turn people off?  I sat and pondered this.  

Maybe the folks in charge of the ceremony stuff....spent a year in some French fetish bar/night-club, and this was their best ideas at work.

Germans trying to out do them in 2040?  Usually when you start talking about really five-star kinky stuff....Germans surpass French.  So I'll be curious how this might go in 2040.  

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