Monday, July 29, 2024

29 July 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  Some kind of argument started up in the Berlin central train-station.....3 guys fighting, with knives....wounded.  Cops have yet to say what the argument was about.

2.  Lot of explaining left to do....German authorities figure that around 12,000 refugees were flown in or allowed in.....without any visa.  Foreign Ministry set to get the blame.

3.  New heating system purchase trend....Germans don't want the heat pump.  

4.  Talk continuing of a German constitutional change (update)  add sexual identity as 'protected'.  Argument from CDU/CSU....not necessary....text they say is already existing in the present form.

After viewing some of this discussion/argument....from a non-German would seem like whatever text is decided upon to be'd have to rewritten within five years to add more protection, and this might be a every-decade situation where there is simply never enough protection.  

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