Sunday, July 21, 2024

21 July 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  Did Hessen lose 164,000-odd residents?

National census ended, and the state of Hessen was short about 164k....officially, that is the claim.

Kassel alone?  The census say they were short about 7,600 folks.  Marburg? In the range of 4,600.

What this means in a critical way.....there is a distribution of funds game that the national gov't distributes out each year, and by these numbers....the state of Hessen would get less money.  Then, this goes down to each town....both Marburg and Kassel would get less of the state money.

Are they really less?  Well....there's going to be an argument about this.  Some folks think this will even go to the court level.  

Did Kassel just lose 7,600 people?  Or did they miscount originally (say a decade ago)?  Me personally?  I just don't buy that 7,600 folks up and left Kassel.  It'd be noticed if a mere 500 left.

2.  In the K-town region, they are testing out a AI-system that monitors road traffic, and  seems to be able to lessen traffic approaching an accident area, and would tell stall traffic to split in half....allowing an ambulance lane to be created on the autobahn.

3.  The CDU Party 'boss' (Merz) gave a talk yesterday....he says the way to fix the Bahn  (railway) to lessen traffic.  He's saying to cut the number of railway trips daily across the whole system.  Then he says....the system is structurally overwhelmed and can't deliver.

If you pull out the Frankfurt schedule back in the was probably about 60-to-70 percent the size of the current daily schedule.  He may have a point, but the pro-ride-Bahn folks are going to be furious over this, and 'rail-cars' will be maxed out if you just try to trim off 5-percent of traffic.

4.  Excellent piece written by Jan Fleischhauer on Focus this AM....title?  "What many politicians really think about their voters (unfortunately it's nothing good)."

He goes at the subject....politicians use the strategy of making up lots of social get people  hyped-up.  But eventually, the same people wake up and realize most all of the promises are not going to occur, or they were not fully thought about....when made.

5.  Lots of worry building up in France over Olympics, and possible terror action.

6.  Here in Hessen....some youth group on a tour (12-to-14 year olds).....bus AC wasn't turned on.  At some point...emergency is declared, and around a dozen are toted off to the hospital for heat exhaustion.  Driver being questioned why AC was off.  

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