Sunday, July 28, 2024

28 July 2024: Eight German News Stories

 1.  DHL, the German package delivery service....has a particular building in Duisburg (far north of Germany) that is now declared as a 'NO-GO' zone.  The carriers have had so many problem entering the building and being threatened in some way....they said 'enough'.  You get a note in your box....come to the post office to get your package.

2. The 'boss' of Omega watches (the ultra-high-end type) into a talk about the European was not a 'feeling-good' interview.  Sales are down,  and even the ultra-rich aren't spending money freely.

I suspect if you asked the high-end car dealers in Germany....they'd mostly say the same thing.

3.  According to BILD.....Lufthansa is going to the legal extremes over the activists who triggered flight cancellations at Frankfurt.  Probably over a 100-million Euro will be sought in court from the seven and their money-handlers.  I suspect other airlines will also participate, and  even the Airport Authority might get involved.   

In court, the names of the money-handlers will be dragged out, and I doubt if the airlines can claim more than 10,000 Euro from the seven.  

4.  The Federal Housing Construction Minister has openly said they have a new strategy....trying to convince people to move out of urban small towns and villages....where it's easier to get building permits and property.  

5. A bit funny....we are around 3 weeks into the new British gov't (led by Labour).  They've looked at the books,  taxable income, and revenue....reaching the conclusion that the UK is 'broke'.   Course,  this announcement is a bad thing, and people  believe a massive tax increase has to now occur.....with the results being 'ify' if broke UK can really pay more tax revenue.  Oddly, no mention of a recession in progress.

6. There's chatter in Bavaria....some support popping up to drill for natural gas.  Not fully supported.  Reichling am Lech has the first permit....about  40 min drive west of Munich.  Appears to be pure fracking.  

Affected by the lack of no Russian natural gas?  Yeah....cost level has reached a point where you might be fairly profitable  on regional drilling. 

7.  It was curious watching ARD prime-time news at 8 PM  last night (Sat).....there was a brief 90-second talk over the opening ceremony in Paris of the Olympics....they avoided any reference or video of the sexually-charged-up episode.  

8. N-TV health talk: German study done on the aspects of a single glass of wine at dinner.  They say 'NO'....there is no safe-level of alcohol, period.  

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