Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Mutation Multiplier Story

 Mutation crazy?  Well, this came out of Focus today, and has apparently been validated.  Certainly worth a read.

South African gal....with Covid-19 around eight months ago.  Officially, through monitoring....the doctors kinda say that she's kept the Covid going for the entire period (never getting over it).

Then they admit this fact....she's developed 32 different mutations of the disease.  

Having passed it on each time?  They aren't saying that, and one might assume she's in a pretty harsh quarantine situation.  The fact that she's still alive?  Well....that's the part of the story that I find interesting.  Her youthfulness playing a part (36 years old)?   Maybe.

So the doctors point this out....there hasn't been a situation where they felt AIDs people were likely or less likely to get Covid (at least not yet).  They are also careful not to say that all AIDs people go down this path....just that this one gal is progressing in this way and manufacturing different versions of Covid on a regular basis.

Then they put this one discussable item out last this long in a single person (eight months) have to have a severely weakened immune system, but strong enough to keep you from advancing on AIDs or Covid-19.

My humble guess is that various Doctor 'Dooms' will get onto this topic and discuss it for months.  If you had just a thousand people like this....each manufacturing a new variant of the Covid-19 virus every three weeks....could the system of developing vaccines ever get ahead of the situation?  I think it's an unanswerable question.  

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