Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 ARD (public TV, Channel One) did a poll....asking Germans if they could pick the next chancellor....who it would be from the three choices.

Laschet from the CDU (Merkel's party)....got 29-percent.

Scholz from the SPD Party....got 26-percent.

Baerbock from the Greens....got 16-percent.

The rest? 29-percent couldn't answer from the three choices. 

A clear good feeling?  No.  

They did note that from a month ago....Baerbock had an overwhelming 28-percent and things have rapidly declined for her from the past couple of weeks.  If you were looking at the trend line.....I would guess that her numbers will decline another three or four points over June/July.  

Three months away from the election?  Yeah....it's not really clear where things might go now.  

The CDU Party might pull out this win, but how they form a coalition will be a bigger mess than usual.   Laschet has indicated in the past month that he's not that pro-Green on coalition-building.  

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