Monday, June 7, 2021

Working An Extra Year?

 Today, the topic of retirement came up in Germany.

A number of folks have been given the task to look over the public pension program (social security) for the German government.

What they basically have said today.....they believe the time is approaching where retirement will HAVE to be 68 years old.  

The continuing problems?  Well, what the experts say is that from 2025 on...the program is not safe.

What they suggest?  Keeping regular retirement 65 to 67 years old (as it is now) until 2029.  After 2029?  Well.....year by year, there's probably another month or two added to reach full retirement (at the new age of 68).  

Bringing this up in an election year?  Yeah....REAL stupid.

How Germans will react?  My wife (working with the current business) needs to make it to 66.75 (yeah she counts each month), and this suggestion just got her a bit more peeved.

The idea that companies would keep people on to age 68?  There might be some grumbling with HR folks about where this would lead to.  As for the health being up for the's a person-by-person situation.  I could see a lot of office personnel making it without an issue.  Those in physical jobs?  I'd have my doubts.  My father-in-law (a roofer) was finished physically by age 58.  

Will this topic be discussed by the parties in the run-up for the election?  Maybe.  

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