Saturday, June 19, 2021

The 'Delta-Variant' Chatter

 To put this in a simple basic discussion....this new variant is considered a major problem.  It transmits quicker and easier than normal everyday Covid.  So in the past ten's gone to hype-level '8' on a scale of 1 to 10.

Returning to curfews and ban-rules?  Well...the politicians are careful to avoid that chatter.  The virus-experts are carrying the topic for the most part.

I don't think anyone with authority wants to get this all pumped-up prior to the election (September 26th).  What happens in mid-October?  Just a wild guess on my part but I would assume that ban rules go back into effect....curfews are put into effect within communities that have high rates of transmission, and virus-experts admit that the vaccination program is successful but having marginal results.

Germans being 'Covided-out'?  Various people have lost a significant amount of income, and some with business operations are in a bankruptcy frame of mind.  Kids getting a normal education in this era?  There's often discussions over this educational situation and it's not a positive trend.  These public forums on TV?  They've probably exercised this 'demon' as much as possible, and the viewing audience has drifted away.  

Eventually, the 'Echo-variant', 'Foxtrot-variant', 'Gulf-variant' and the 'Hotel-variant' will come.....each being worse than the other.   

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