Sunday, June 13, 2021

Ambulance Story

 Pretty weird episode unfolded in northern suburbs of Koln a regional mall.

What the cops say (via a Focus report).....some older guy (59 years old)....had a heart attack at the entrance of a mall.  Ambulance gets called and responds.  

Then as the ambulance crew is tending to the guy (heart attack, re-animation going on)....relatives arrive and begin to interfere with the process.  Situation is overwhelming the ambulance crew and the original couple of police.  So they call for more police.

Within minutes....twenty additional police cars (two cops per car is the norm) arrive to establish order.

In all of the chaos and stretched out medical help....the old guy passed away at the scene.  

Interference with ambulance crews?  This is now a weekly thing in Germany where you notice a couple of these situations that regularly occur now.  No one can explain the behavior going on, or how this anti-ambulance attitude started up.  

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