Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Was the Wurzburg Terror Event a Jihad Situation?

 Well....it's still under debate.  ARD (German public TV, Channel One) carried a good news piece today to talk over this.

So, there are some witnesses at the scene who said that the Somali guy (24 years old) uttered the AA-phrase.  Not all of the witnesses said that though.  

In the police interrogation that followed the attack, the guy did say some comment to his jihadist feeling.

His cellphones (two of them)?  Cops are still reviewing data and won't say much over them.

The material that is ISIS related in the paper bin at the shelter?  It adds to the discussion.

The general view of people who knew the guy?  They wouldn't give him high marks on being sane.  It's entirely possible that you have a nutcase who fell into the jihadist business, and it was the 'answer' to all of his problems in life.  So in effect, you had a unbalanced guy who can't rationally grasp the value of information given to him.

The fact that he was on the deportation list?  Well.....if you were mildly unbalanced, and under extreme pressure to leave....you'd probably notice your behavior getting more and more irrational....as each day passed.  

I have no doubt....the judge in this situation will order a mental exam, and I seriously doubt that he can pass.  If you'd been standing around as a judge in 2016 (the guy arrived in 2015) and ordered a mental exam then?  Well, you might have found out that the guy was not competent to allow in some free and open space.  But that's generally not how the system works.....you only get mental exams after you've done something pretty crazy or pretty stupid.

The mess left here?  For the September election....someone has to stand there and hold the 'asshole-card', and explain how the guy got on the deportation list, and how no one saw him as a threat.  That's the sad part to this story. 

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