Saturday, June 26, 2021

Three Other Odd Aspects of that Wurzburg Terror Attack

 Regarding the Somali guy and his business yesterday (I blogged early this AM), there's 3 issues that came up.

1.  Cop went to his room at the homeless shelter.  Nothing much to look at....then went to the paper bin out back....yeah, right there on top....ISIS material.  Odds that it belonged him?  Unknown.  Just Odd, I'll say.

2.  The fact that he applied for asylum back in 2015/2016?  Well....he failed the application.  

Bavarians (the gov't) say that he failed but won't say when.  It might have been in 2016, 2017, 2018, or 2019.  

3.  The fact that he mostly attacked only women?'s just odd.  

The conversation that the police had with the guy....he's chatty about his religion business.  So one way or another, it'll be deemed a Islamic attack....even if he was paranoid schizophrenic.

This brings me to a final point.  Once you hand the asylum application over.....the Germans fail to grasp this point.  Your whole life and path depending on them passing you.  Most all of these people get highly emotional when five months pass, and it comes back as a 'failure'.  Germans don't understand this.....all that effort, the risk on the boat, and the months of waiting.....these people can't accept a failed asylum application.

Will this affect the September election?  I'd say that the AfD Party will talk about this and the failure of the Bavarian government to send the guy out of the country.  There might be a point or two going up....for the AfD.  

If he sat there for four years after getting a failed application?  The Bavarians doing nothing?  Well....politically, someone will have to take a fall for letting this occur. 

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