Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Bankruptcy Story

 If you look around at regional news from Baden-Wurttemberg...there's a front-page story on healthcare and bankruptcies. SWR reports the basic story.

What's said of the Baden-Wurttemberg state.....about one-third of all clinics in the state are either at bankruptcy presently, or getting fairly near that point.

Getting any better in the future?  NO. What the financial analysts suggest is that the number will likely go higher.

The worst of the sixteen states?  Yes, that is clearly the data being seen.

But here's the interesting thing.  All of the data used to show this situation?  It's from 2019.  So the Covid-year of 2020?  That's not in the mix, and it probably shows an even worse situation.

All of this leading to a state 'save-the-clinics' agenda?  You would think that.  

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