Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 Basically, the irrational fear of the truth.

This probably won't be identified with people by any licensed mental health expert, but I suspect we have tens of millions of people across the globe who have veritas-phobia.

This is the guy who continually wants to save the globe....save the Earth....save mankind....save boat-people....save regular people from Covid....etc.

He'd like to save the Earth in various ways, but the minute that you mention the cost factor....that he needs contribute 1,500 Euro a year to some tax-revenue game, he gets some dose of reality and walks away.  In his case, he didn't need a mental health expert or rehab in some fancy Swiss clinic.....he just needed a money-figure to correct his fear.

This is also the guy who'd like to bring half-a-million boat people to Germany and then twelve months into this....finds that a quarter of the new people don't fit well....don't integrate well, and that maybe 10,000 of them end up eventually in some police situation.  In this case, he gets another dose of reality and walks away from the pro-migrant stance.....admitting he had a fear of truth, but now has confronted it and gotten over his phobia.

This is also the guy who'd like to buy a E-car, and saves up 25k Euro for his down-payment (75k Euro car), and discovers a year into the ownership....well...some truth and reality.  The car just isn't the dream vehicle he wanted.  He puts aside his irrational fear of the truth, and sells the car.....feeling better about himself and proclaiming that saving the Earth might not rank that high with E-cars.  

Getting over veritas-phobia?  It basically takes some long-term thinking and asking stupid questions.  Then accepting reality is the last part of the situation.  

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