Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Educational Talks

 My Hessen public TV folks (HR) did a segment last night over school kid and the rate of education today.

Central problem existing today?  Because of Covid and school-shutdowns....the Hessen government now believes that 20-percent of kids in the school system are lacking knowledge (that they should have gained).

Private tutoring now in demand?  Well....yeah.

Chief area being noticed?  Failures in math.

All parents in a position to pay for private tutoring?  No, and that is openly discussed by the government opposition folks (mostly the SPD Party).  Some suggestions go to a full-day of school, with some additional gov't paid tutoring going on.  

Where this is leading onto?  If the schools enforced normal testing, and failures lead to kids not being accepted into the university system.....there's some big problems waiting here.  

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