Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  If you pick up WELT today....there's a piece there detailing the German situation with natural gas reserves.....saying the reserve system is now 95-percent full.  Enough for the winter?  Well....the gov't is careful to note that this is not their 'promise'.  

2.  WELT brought up a warning that the German hospital system is issuing....with Covid patients increasing their use of hospitals, and the current shortage of nurses to support the incoming flow.  

3.  There's a meeting of NATO defense ministers going on, with the top topic of Ukraine being invited to be a member.  One of the odd plus-ups that Ukraine might be the most capable member other than the US....if they were allowed to join, against Russia.  

4.  There's a push going on to establish a national 49-Euro train/bus ticket.  To make this work however.....the federal government would have to contribute some money into the pot....meaning it cost more than 49-Euro to accomplish the ticket dreamed of.

5.  Finally, N-TV brought up a piece over the Russian economy....because of the 'draft' of the 300,000 reservists, and the quick exit out of Russia of tens of thousands more skilled-workers.....the Russian economy is currently in 'free-fall'.  

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