Monday, October 17, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  N-TV ran a piece today on Covid....saying statistical numbers are suggest that one German out of ten....has Covid-symptoms, and goes to work anyway.  

2.  Speech by the German Transportation Minister this weekend....saying that accepting crappy conditions for the Bahn (the national railway system) was not acceptable.  If you have problems....fix them.

Generally, if you asked people who regularly use the Bahn.....they all have a list of twenty-odd problems that they've noticed (onboard bathrooms not working, late arrivals on a constant basis, etc).

3.  German Health Minister says free Covid tests will NOT come back.....too expensive.

4.  Last night's Tatort (the krimi series on ARD) was one of the weirdest I've seen in years.....based on multiple murders, use of LSD, psycholysis, etc.  

5.  Cops had to be called about a two-family fight on A555 near Koln.  What the police say is two cars (one a taxi and the other being a private car)....had some altercation, and a knife was actually drawn by occupant.  The two had pulled to the side of the autobahn, and the police indicate charges (dangerous bodily harm being one) were being discussed.  Pretty odd event.  

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