Saturday, October 8, 2022

A Trip This Past Week

 I had to go over to the Audi dealer (in Mainz) this past week.  Most of the's simply to drop the car off for maintenance, and I leave.  This time, I ended up spending around 30 minutes just sitting there.

As a kid, my dad did most of his car business with Ford, and you got used to the dealer building and behavior being a certain way.  Audi goes to the far extreme and probably more positive standing....than Ford.

Virtually everyone within sight at the Audi building looks like a male or female model.  Even the body repair guy I had to deal with (who was 60 years old) probably could have passed for a old 'gent' GQ-type model.

Coffee?  Only the best, and the stuff you'd pay three to four Euro a premium shop.

The couch or chairs?  Ford was lucky to have stuff that was twenty to thirty years old.  Audi?  It was like out out of some premium leather store.

Little signs around for the premium 'hot' upgrade on the newest AI within the Audi car system?  Oh yeah.

It is a totally different world from the typical 1974 Ford dealership, and the 2022 Audi dealership. In some ways, I wish politics were run like Audi....where they want the consumer to be absolutely dedicated to their 'product' or service.  

All of this leading to a 'bait-and-hook' capitalistic approach?  Yeah.  The typical car, the service, and look....baits you to be consumed with passion to be on the Audi team.  The Ford guys?  I've not been with the a awful long, long time.  

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