Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 1.  How big a deal is the Bavarian and Hessen state elections in 2023 (set for the fall time period)?'s building up to be a fairly big drama.  The Greens are expecting pick up votes in Bavaria, and the SPD is hoping to generate some hype in Hessen.  The FDP?  Presently, they are in a fear of showing lesser results than five years ago, and showing some national downward trend.  It will be a dramatic period where the public can establish their frustration over the cost of living, inflation, and the energy crisis.  

2.  How much does a election 'custodian' get paid for their work?

Typically, 60 Euro....for one full day (8 hours) of work.

3.  Is ARD and ZDF (public German TV) carrying the 'water' for coalition parties (SPD, Greens, FDP)?

Well....they carry interviews with the key ministers and high-ranking political figures.  Generally, they are asking tough questions, and getting at least a response.  If you asked me if most are pro-Green, or pro-SPD?  I'd respond 'no', that they want to simply clear the air and give the public some type of answer to problems.

4.  Is there Russian martial law in these annexed regions of Ukraine?

As of today.....yes.  

5.  Is there a shortage of medications going on in Germany?

Roughly 1,000 different types of prescription and over-the-counter medications....are in short supply.  You can blame the logistical path, and China production for this.

6.  A standard closing time for German grocery stores coming?

Well....there is a request coming to the sixteen states, and there's a belief by the end of November.....standard closing will be something like 8 PM....maybe even 7 PM......instead of 10 PM.

I will say this....if you walk  into any German grocery after 8 PM.....its rare to see more than ten customers (in the smaller operations).  

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