Sunday, October 9, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  I noticed off Focus this AM.....British military folks have viewed imagery and now say since day one of the war....the Ukrainians have been 'given' just over 1,000 operational tanks and APCs.  Mix of 440 operational tanks and 650 armored vehicles.  

Presently, I'd say tanks are probably the least needed thing of Ukraine....they are getting plenty of support from Russia.

2.  WELT says 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers will be 'trained' in the EU in the coming months.  You can call it a mini-boot-camp but it appears to be approved through several nations.

3.  The German Medical Disaster Relief organization has stood up and said that the government needs to provide training on how to handle blackouts.  I kinda shake my head over the suggestion, but suspect they are trying to get the idea across that blackouts might be a regular thing (several times a week) and some of these might go longer than 24 hours.  

Disrupting bakery operations, and being a problem for medical situations?  Yeah, probably.

4.  All the railway chaos from yesterday, from the sabotage effort on two points of the German Bahn....has 'cleared' up.  Trains moving and passengers back on track.

Who was behind the sabotage effort?  Unknown.  It has to be two individuals or groups....for the two events to be carried out.

5.  The German Bundeswehr admits it has enough ammo to carry out two days of full-up war presently.  The industry points out that this is a choice of the government for the past twenty-odd years, and not just a recent thing.  

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