Thursday, October 20, 2022

Nine German News Stories

 1.  The EU is now suspecting Iran of helping Russia (military hardware) and new sanctions are going up over them.  The Mullahs may joke about this but Iran is pretty much in dire economic conditions right now, and this can only make daily life in Iran more crappy.

2.  German tax authorities admitted yesterday that the tax revenue 'bucket' is lessening....mostly because of cash being used to resolve energy woes.

3.  The delivery service 'Gorillas' is fading.  A couple of years ago, their idea for food delivery was a big-deal.  Doubtful that they will survive this.

4.  Some new study appeared in say that Germans MUST cut natural gas use by 30-percent in the future.

To be honest, with the new furnace we put into the basement, and upgraded windows....back around three years ago, we did cut consumption by 25-percent.  Getting any more positive numbers?  No, for this house, it's maxed out unless you flip the temperature down by three degrees. 

5.  Lot of information coming out about the 2021 Ahr Valley flood, and the mishandling by the authorities on the evening of the flood.  Heavy criticism being laid out on the Premier-President (Dreyer, SPD).  One story revolves around a home where disabled people were not helped, with a dozen-odd folks dying.

6.  The Last Generation (environmentalist teenagers) blocked off autobahn exits around Berlin in the past week.  An ambulance was making a run and they were (by their own statements) supposed to allow the vehicle to pass.  They didn't. 

What'll happen?  If some death occurs because of a blockage by the's possible that a serious charge will pop up, and real jail time starts to be a part of the 'game'.

7.  Over in Mecklenburg, a refugee center (older wood building) caught on fire and burned down.  Arson is suspected.

8.  Some chatter came up last night by the Finance Minister....suggesting that French nuke plants might be selling power to Germany.  Probably a shock to the Greens who were seriously anti-nuke and now realizing that even when they turn off the last three power plants (March 2023).....they will still be consuming nuke power in some way.

9.  The national network agency running the natural gas suggest that a shortage is now possible for Feb 2023 and rolling into March.  Yeah, they aren't talking about just's business operations affected as well.

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