Thursday, October 20, 2022

Toilet Story

 Last night, via VOX (commercial German TV) around 8:15 PM....ran this show called Vox_Insider.  Topic?  The crappy conditions of apartments throughout Germany.

So the investigative journalists went out and found this building in Wurzburg that had a 20-odd square meter apartment (yeah, tiny), with a big hole cut in the corner and this weird stairway (like a step-ladder) that led some cubby-hole bathroom/kitchen (maybe 12 square meters).

Owners wanted to charge you around 300 to 400 Euro for this 'trap'.

I asked my wife what kind of idiot would cut a hole like this in a floor? 

She responded this had to be a nutcase to cut the floor like this, and most Germans would never rent something like this.  I tried to imagine myself waking up at 2 AM, and needing to relieve myself.....then climbing some ladder do my business.  

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