Friday, October 14, 2022

RBB (Berlin Public TV) Back In Crisis Situation?'s come out now (after they 'fired' the director of the regional public TV network)....that there was a clause in the contract about retirement and terminations.

Basically, for any type of firing.....this director of the network, was up for 212,000 Euro a a pension.

Under a normal ending....coming to the end of the contract, she would have gotten around 106,000 Euro a year.

Yeah, this has gotten out in public and there's some criticism about how this is written and who signed off. 

Comparison with Merkel's (former Chancellor) pension?  She draws around 15,500 Euro a the TV director (a public employee) is making around 3,000 Euro more a month.

My humble view is that it's getting to a point where some truth commission is going to form up, and questions will arise over all of the directors and their contracts.  I don't think it'll end in a pretty fashion.

The more amusing part of this story is that the board of directors who'd normally have oversight or a view of things....seem to confess they know little to nothing about the contract deal.  

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