Thursday, October 20, 2022

Six Things Standing Out In The German News

 1.  Three German state Health Ministers are saying the mandate for all medical personnel (nurses included) to be having a serious problem to fill positions.  They want the Covid mandate to be dumped by the federal government.

2.  Back about a year ago (Nov 2021).....Muslim guy on a train between Passau and Hamburg (ICE highspeed) went in an attack mentality....injuring four folks with a knife before being halted.  Mental exam has finally been completed.

So, here's the failed mental status for the guy, and they can't be sure if he's just plain nuts/crazy/mad, or if his religion was drawing him to commit the attack.  Yeah....this is the German health authorities who say this.

The question now?  Is he plain nuts, or faking his mental stability because of his religious standing?  

3.  A car-free experiment was carried out in Berlin, which was supposed to prove that the public is better off in a highly urbanized area....without cars.

Well...the city says the Friedrichstrasse experiment was mostly a failure and will be to be allowed back.

4.  There was an attempt by the Frankfurt city council to create a special and higher fine situation for SUVs in the city.  This was taken to court.  The court says 'NO', you can't rig up fines for only this favored or unfavored vehicle.

5.  The city symbol of Frankfurt is an eagle (if you weren't aware of it).'s a unique drawing of a eagle (my general looks like a pretty sickly eagle that took some voltage or sipped some swamp waters).  

It came out that this design....look....came up in the 1930s and was a Nazi design.  So there's a new campaign underway to design a different eagle....from a non-Nazi group.

6.  The FBI is asking questions in Bremen about the ownership of a particular shipyard.  Some suspicion that it's really a Russian syndicate or mafia group who owns it.

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