Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Four German News Stories

 1.  Every year, a German committee researches newly 'invented' words among German teenagers, and proclaims top words of the year.  Number one for 2022?  'Smash', which means you are hooking up with some person for lustful moment.  'Bodenlos' (translated into English means bottomless) came in second.....meaning incredibly bad or terrible.  'Macher' (translated into English, means doer) came in third.....meaning someone who implements or does things....without being told and have zero hesitation.  

2.  I've mentioned the mayor of Tubingen a couple of times in the past week (he was re-elected mayor on Sunday).  Yesterday, some ZDF journalist was interviewing Boris Palmer and thought to 'catch' him on a question....asking if he was going to change his style in the new term.  Boris sat and quietly responded...."Maybe you should change the style of your questions."  I like the guy, and he'd make a great PM....but since being kicked out of the Green Party....most of the parties wouldn't touch him.

3.  Some German guy had a cat in his residence around Stuttgart, who'd wander off.  He'd fixed the cat up with a GPS unit.  Apparently, she wasn't seen for several days, and when he went to the tracker.....the cat was now in Hamburg.  Begs a lot of questions.

4.  'Dirty' bomb chatter coming up a good bit in public forums now in Germany.  You basically go and get a bucket of nuclear waste, and just dump it into a regular plain bomb.  Any idiot could do this.  Russians claim Ukraine is preparing to accomplish this type of bomb. 

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