Saturday, October 22, 2022

Round Peg In A Square Hole: What Made Hitler A Bit Odd

 1.  Most political leaders of parties (from France, the UK, the US, and even Germany to this point)....were regarded as being fairly educated, accomplished, or intellectual people in charge of their respected parties.  Hitler, other than a painter-wall paper guy, discharged guy from the Army with a medal, and being a Austrian citizen....somehow rose to carry an entire party with 3 x 5 inch index card resume.

2.  Hitler, if you graded him on military strategy competency...even to the very end....on a scale of one to ten....probably wouldn't go past a '2'.

3.  An authority on anything?, but it's not to say it'd been any better than a plumber in Hamburg, or a brewery-master out of Trier.

4.  Hitler, by the end in 1945....still didn't have a driver's license.

5.  Hitler's primary job in late 1918/early 1919?  He was supposed to be a insider 'spy' for the Bavarian Secret Police....watching over a new party called the Nationalist Socialist Party.  Of a thousand-odd jobs....this is the one that he probably should never have been hired for. 

6.  Hitler had an absolute hatred and dislike of any individual using narcotics/drugs, and it came to a shock to him in the final three months of his life.....his personal doctor had gotten him hooked on cocaine and opiates.

7.  Hitler was a normal consumer of about the last three years of his life...converting to a vegetarian.  This switch was supposed to resolve stomach problems.

8.  Did Hitler quit beer and alcohol over the final couple of years?  Yeah, due to digestive issues.

9.  Hitler having one son?  The story goes from his WW I years....he had some relationship in France....producing one son (died in the mid-1980s).  Some historians believe the story....some don't.  

10.  At some point, due to family issues....Hitler (as a kid) made a decision to run away from the family.  Dad found out about this and beat Hitler until he was unconscious and in some coma-like spell (several days).   You can question how this would have affected history....if he'd successfully run away and joined some circus crew traveling around Austria and Bavaria.  

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