Friday, October 14, 2022

The Granny-Is-A-Terrorist Story

 German federal cops say that they've arrested one 75-year old woman on pretty serious charges.

The deal?  Well....this old German gal was intending to get a machine-gun of some type.....kidnap the Federal Health Minister (Lauterbach, SPD).....and had plans to take down the power network (blackouts).

This comes out of the central Saxony region of Germany.

Some right-wing terror organization?  Well....that's the general description of this old gal's gang.  

How this all came to be?  It appears for years and years....she was a teacher in the Pfalz area of Germany, and upon retirement....made comments countering the German Constitution....which dragged her into court, and eventually the state took away her pension (in some fashion)....which apparently made her even more right-wing (the way it looks).  

Now?  If they convict her (I anticipate this).....the state will then move her into a deluxe prison system and cover her living cost for the remainder of her life.

Comical in some ways?  Maybe, but the moment you start talking about kidnapping German government are treading on 1970s Red Army Faction history, and that freaks out the political establishment.   

The basic story is weird probably be made into a movie script.  

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