Thursday, October 20, 2022

Nutcase Story

 Two days ago (Tuesday), in Wiesbaden....we had a unusual situation unfold.

Down in the middle of town (where the old central bus station was located)....some gal went into a tirade....yelling and screaming at people on the street.  

Cops got called.

This was mid-afternoon (1:45 PM).  Cops say that she was fairly verbal in commentary, and very aggressive to people that she came across.

So they tried to just settle her down, and that failed.

At that point, she launched into a tirade against the police, and it simply escalated from that point on.

Asking for an ID....just infuriated her even more.

So they took possession of the gal, and she was sent off for a eval.  Paranoid schizophrenic?  Well....yeah, it does seem that way.  

Again, I'll point out....on any given day have to be aware of the people around you and their actions.  It's not 'safe' like it was in the 1980s.  

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