Thursday, October 6, 2022

Four Things I Noticed This Week in Germany

 1.  I went to a local hardware store....that had a huge stock of firewood laid out in bundles (probably enough to fit into the back of a car).  Five or six German guys were eyeballing what had just been taken off a delivery truck.  

2.  You see an awful lot of politicians in Germanys.....accusing each other of using 'Russian propaganda'.  People on the left, right and center.....shouting the BS.

3.  It's interesting.....Putin put out a 'rule-change' where college students could not be grabbed for the 'draft' or reservists business....because the colleges were complaining of a massive number of young males who left the colleges for the border.

I personally don't think they will come back....doubting Putin at his word.  Go expect at least another 100,000 young men (age 17-to-18) to pack and leave in early 2023....fearing another call-up.  

4.  There's a German medical argument going on that 19 C (66 F)is not warm enough for office people to function. Personally, having worked in various underground facilities in my life, I will attest that thin-trim-non-fatty folks have a big problem even at 20 C (68 F).  

The folks who do well in the 19 C situation?  Mostly the chubby-overweight folks.  If anyone wants to award me a Nobel for my 'discovery'.....feel free.  I'll even state the obvious that in a office situation where the temperature is 17 C (62 F)'ll be mostly guys happy and more productive.  

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