Thursday, May 16, 2024

16 May 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  Slovakian PM Robert Fico was shot yesterday.  Hospital reports this AM say he will survive.  Location? Handlova. 

Shooter?  Older guy...motivation is unknown.

2.  CDU Party talking up some type of draft law....if you were to demonstrate for a'd be handled by the police and it would be a chargeable crime.  Yeah, it's a pretty radical push (on both ends).

The thing is....if you bring up the Islamic protests and this Caliphate chatter....I'd suggest two-thirds of Germans are pretty irate over the idea.

3.  Group of German economists are pushing for car tolls.  Going to be pretty difficult to convince the public to accept the idea.

4.  Chinese car company Ora making a car that strongly resembles the old VW 'Bug'.  4-door design. 

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