Sunday, May 19, 2024

19 May 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  More rain yesterday?  Yeah.

For my area (Wiesbaden).....I'd say since 1 Jan....we are about 130 percent of normal rainfall for this time of year, and things are awful green.  The previous three years?  From mid-March to was pure drought conditions, with only two or three marginal  (light) rainfalls.  

I looked at the predicted weather for the next 7 days....rain on five of them predicted.  Just odd compared to last year.  

2.  Curious Focus article.....interview with Jürgen Hesse.  

The Berlin graduate psychologist talks up the issue that among various problems affecting German industry.....there are various managers with troublesome personalities.

He wrote the book: “My boss is crazy, yours too?” 

He suggests that in the range of six to twenty percent of bosses...they don't have the talent/skills for the job.

3.  Defense Minister Pistorous asking for 3.8-billion Euro for 2024....for Ukraine's defense requirements.

4.  Russia has confiscated the assets (at least within Russia) of the German Commerzbank, and the Deutsche Bank.  

5.  FDP Party says they want to dump the 8-hour work-day.  I'm skeptical of whatever replaces it.

6.  Austrian cops say they confiscated weapons (plural) and a smart-phone with ISIS BS/propaganda material of a minor (age 14, girl).  Plan had been in the works to attack "infidels" using knives and an axe. Location?  Graz, Austria. 

Charges?  Well....she's a minor so you can't do that much.  

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