Saturday, May 18, 2024

18 May 2024: Five German News Storiies

 1.  Interesting piece off Focus today....German Green Party official....Katharina  interviewed and talking up the amount of criticism and 'attacks' against Green Party folks in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania region.

Would appear confrontations in public places up, and people fairly aggravated over Green Party platforms and accomplishments.

I'll just say from my used to be Germans were either pro-or-con on political groups.  I think generally, we've reached  a stage where a fair number are now anti-AfD, and want to let you know how they feel, and this in turn....has generated a second wave....people who are anti-Green, and want to be open about how they feel (perhaps being slightly more physical than the anti-AfD folks).  

2.  Lot of flooding this AM in the Saarland, from yesterday's rainfall.

3.  State of Hessen (where I live) now reports that roughly 3 out of 4 people who get Burgergeled (welfare money) are of a migration background.

4.  Germany's Justice Minister gave a interview yesterday, and says the soccer championships about to start....will possibly present terror situations in Germany.

5.  Germany has passed name-law....effective in May 2025....where double-names (when you marry) will be totally acceptable across the country.  Change also says between the two...there must be a hyphen.  Story here.

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