Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Three Things To Wonder About

 1.  There's some weird type of 'purge' going on in Russia...with the KGB detaining/arresting Army generals.  If it were to just stay at five or six....it might be acceptable.

If you get up to around a dozen generals?  I'd  suggest that some meeting will be held  with the generals, and some  'purge' to start up with the Generals  taking down KGB officials, and then things would get pretty messy over a one-week period.

Scaring the crap out of the news media in Europe and the US?  Yeah, and this might be some lead-in episode where Putin is rapidly replaced and he ends up looking for some country to accept him for asylum.

2.  This new German political party (the Wagenknecht 'party')....has spoken up that they want language tests already designed for 3-year old kids, and mandated.

Reason.....bunch of kids showing up for German 1st grade and they can't speak the language.

Mandating some language training for 3-year old kids?  Yeah, this is pretty weird.

3.  Sabine Menke wrote an interesting piece for WELT today....entitled: “Universities flooded with people who have no business being there.”

If you can find the paper....it's a fairly critical piece that a number of kids end up in German colleges  and their level of interest doesn't really mean much in terms of the degree or resume-building. 

I'd argue that for the US side as well.

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