Tuesday, May 7, 2024

8 May 2024: Three German News Stories

 1.  Campaign efforts for the EU election are going on (lot of posters, and chatter by various parties).  In recent days...especially over in the Saxony region (far east)....couple of politicians have been physically attacked.  Latest....former mayor of Berlin (Giffey).  Cops say in her case....one guy came up from behind with a bag (hard objects inside) and hit her in the head/shoulder.  Guy ran off....asked for a motive, the police could give none. 

2.  ZDF (public TV, Channel 2) had a 90-min piece last night (8:15)....called 'How Are You, Germany.'

So they lined up around 20 Germans with complaints, and in the studio (live), they had representatives from the various political parties.  

Complaint X would come up and the seven folks would explain things.  

Failed points of the SPD Party efforts kinda stood out (example, the housing crisis).  

I was impressed with the Zoom-like hook-up and amount of technology to present things.  I wasn't that impressed with the political folks, and the answers.

One key thing dragged up on the housing crisis and problems building new homes/apartments.....tons of regulations have been added over the years, and this is hindering construction or making a longer process.   On this point, the AfD guy (right-wing) blasted away.

If you want to watch it?  Still up over at this site.

3.  WELT had a report this AM...talking over how 'Citizens money' (welfare) has changed the dynamics of Germans having less desire to work.  If your welfare payment is the same as you'd make with work....the desires lessen.

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