Thursday, May 23, 2024

23 May 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  Charges coming up in Frankfurt for 6 ATM-bombers. Curious twist....prosecutor says since people were living in the upper structures of these buildings....he's preparing attempted murder charges.  

Just on the bombing stuff and robbery....they were probably going to face eight to twelve years.  With the attempted murder?  Unless they start talking networks and name others in the business....they could each be doing 20 years in prison.

2.  Odd story over a missing German.  Head of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG, Andreas Schafhirt, disappeared about 2 months ago.  Wife reported him missing but cops haven't  found anything of the guy.  Flughafen had been suggesting he was on some medical situation.

3.  BASF likely to exit Germany?  Well....on Focus....they discussed the future strategy, and most of the operations  of the company will be led in China in the future.  Interesting piece worth reading.

4.  Not to get excited....but measles being reported around Berlin.

5.  Just noticed off RBB....Climate activists from the "Last Generation" are (after an art-attack and gluing themselves to the runway at BER, then damaging pipes at a oil refinery in Schwedt).....set to be charged.

What the Neuruppin public prosecutor's office says?  Among charges...suspicion of forming a criminal organization. 

This would be a pretty serious charge if the 'kids' are convicted.  

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