Friday, May 3, 2024

3 May 2024: Five German News Stories

 1  Interesting FOCUS piece written by Ulrich Reitz.  Topic?  Coalition gov't having to deal with Islamism, the push for a 'Kalifat', and where things are evolving into.  You can read the piece here.

What the Hamburg police report from the protest in recent days....a sum of the people there....were ethnic Germans....born within Germany (meaning they are 2nd  or 3rd generation Germans....mostly of a Turkish nature).  

2.  In my area (just outside of Wiesbaden)....from 8 PM last night...just a ton of rain.  Probably in the 6-to-8 inch range.

3. EU offering Lebanon a 'deal' hold back Syrian refugees....billion Euro a year.  Probably a decade too late.

4.  Frankfurt city officials have signed off....will allow topless swimming at all city pools. Supposed to bring gender equality.

5.  Chatter going on....France may send it's troops to the Ukraine if the current front collapses.  

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