Tuesday, May 28, 2024

New Cop Investigation

 I sat this afternoon and looked over a new prosecutor/cop investigation....down in Stuttgart.

The focus?  

Well...some local Turkish soccer club got to the end of a game....hyped up with their fans, and the fan-club of the team...maybe affected by booze....started up a chant....'auslanders aus' (foreigners out).

Naturally, this was on video, and has been reviewed.

Turks...uttering the phrase?  

It's going to trigger a problem for the media to explain....other than saying they were drunk and 'just stupid'.  The prosecutor and police?  They will spend at least a hundred man-hours.....trying to drill down into this and find a way to explain it to the politicians.  

At the pace of things....by the mid-summer period....I expect even 12-year-old German kids uttering the phrase and people freaking out over the comment.

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