Wednesday, May 29, 2024

29 May 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  Local reporting (Wiebaden)....Monday afternoon...mid-town area, some German woman had been gift-shopping and bought a 100-Euro perfume bottle.  She's apparently followed and in the grassy area between two major streets....she gets attacked (thrown to the ground) by some 40-to-50 year-old guy, and robbed of the bag.  Cops never find the guy.

Stuff like this......wasn't ever a thing to worry about or consider....from a decade ago....particularly in daylight hours.  

2.  Just odd....former chief of Dutch Intelligence the PM.

3.  Weird story to tell from Baden-Württemberg.  Heilbronn police said on Sunday evening some guy was driving on B14 in the direction of Schwäbisch Hall.  His car crosses the line, into the opposite lane.

Other driver is able to stop and prevent an accident.

The 66-year-old then (the bad driver) gets out and threatens other drivers who wanted to offer to help with a knife. 

Then he says he's got 'bottles' of explosives with him, pointing to some bottles he put out on the road.  

So the guy approaches the cops as they arrive...with the knife.  Cops instruct him....put it down....he declines.  Cops use pepper spray and he still advances.  So they shoot the guy in the leg (1 round).  That apparently got his attention.

4.  I ended up Wed night watching the local Wiesbaden soccer club play a down-and-out game....if they lost, they would move to the 3rd league. was one of the least productive (boring) games I've seen in a long time.  Yeah, they lost.

5.  From the German pension program....statistics now show that one out of every fifteen Germans who receive a living OUTSIDE of Germany.  They don't say locations though.  

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