Tuesday, May 28, 2024

27 May 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  ARD (public TV, Channel 1) had a news piece this AM....NATO supporting a position to 'provide' NATO weapons to the Ukraine....to be used against Russia.

Just inviting more trouble and various European countries ending up as terror targets in the end...if this plays out.

2. I watched through a 4-min piece from ARD (public TV, Channel 1).....about 3 years ago....a experiment was conducted in Germany about a 'unconditional' basic income project (limited scope, 1,200 Euro a month).

PhD folks sat there and did a study over the results....what they say is that the 1,200 Euro a month (done for three years) changed the outlook/prospective of people.

The problem I see....this project was only done with 122 German adults.  They had well over 2-million who applied and wanted in on the deal....but they only had cash for the 122.

My general view?  Even if you said it could change people's lives.....you (the gov't) don't have billions to throw at this.  I also don't think the majority of Germans who might 'fit' into this idea....have an idea how to use the cash to better themselves.  

I do agree....a high number of the people who vote for the Linke Party, Greens and SPD....are hyped-up and want to spend the money....even if it was marginally effective.

3. Over the past week or so....lot of chatter over racism and drunk Germans singing 'foreigners out'.

The news media, from all directions, have hyped-up the topic.  Drunk Germans though....will say a lot of BS, and half of it is wild-chatter is without much thought over the consequences.

It would be interesting to have a public forum show....starting off on minute 1, with six shots of whiskey, and having five political figures forced into a discussion on something....to see what they might say under the influence of alcohol.

4.  Weather pattern  odd?  

Over the past 90 days....just not a single day that I'd describe as 'overly warm'....above 30 degrees C (86 F).  Rainy days?  Probably some decent rainfall every 3rd day.  Unusual considering the past three years.

5.  The CDU Party (right-of-center) attempted to hold an-line computer 'vote' with party members.....to undo the ban on gas cars (2035) that the EU and the coalition have agreed to.

Well....something went wrong, and the CDU Party cancelled the vote....saying it was manipulated (85-percent of folks said they were in favor of the ban).  Hacked?  This is an odd question.

If you ask working class Germans....they aren't interested in getting an E-car, and they don't think the ban will ever occur.  

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