Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Explaining This Odd Legal Case Against A AfD Party Official

 So the way this goes....the Halle regional court finally ended the case against the Thuringian AfD  'boss'....Björn Höcke (who happens to be running in the state election of Thuringia in the fall).

Verdict?  Guilty and assigned a fine of 13,000 Euro.

Accusation/charge?  Well....this goes back to a speech he gave three years ago....where he uttered: “Everything for our homeland, everything for Saxony-Anhalt, everything for Germany.”  That last piece....'for Germany'....was a Nazi slogan from the 1930s.

I don't know the number, but there are probably dozens of Nazi slogans on the forbidden list to recite in public speeches.  

As for this harming his fall election bid?  I'd say from the 'experts' that ARD/ZDF (public TV news folks) ran out last night....they are of the mind that it harms AfD.

I'm not of that frame of mind.  People who are 'stuck' on it primarily because of failed migration and immigration policy (of the past decade).....which neither the CDU or SPD can do or say much to rectify the perception of this 15-to-20 percent of the voting public.

Next up?  Some folks believe if you can ID the AfD as can strike them out as a political party and forbid their participation.  All that would create a whole new party out of thin air, and give the same voters the perception that you are unwilling to work on migration or immigration problems. 

On the guy's guilt?  I don't think he accidentally found the slogan or accidentally used seems awful intentional. As for the fine....he'll probably just pass the hat around for a couple of days and get 13k Euro to pay off the court system.

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